English version | Чистопольский судоремонтный завод "Камслип"

About a

LLC "Chistopol Ship Repair Plant "Kamslip" (LLC "ChSRZ Kamslip") was founded in the late 18th century and was then called Chistopol backwater. Before the revolution it was belonged to the merchant Stakheev. He had a large number of ships, barns with bread and salt. At the time he was engaged in ships repair and transportation products.

After the revolution in 1919 by order of the People's Commissar of Water Transport Pohomov ship repair basin to the power and value has been assigned second rank. In 1945 the plant was named after the 25th anniversary of Tatarstan. In July 1995 the plant was reorganized into OJSC "Chistopolsky shipyard."

In 2004 the company was formed "Chistopol Shipyard" and since 01.04.2011 the plant was transformed into LLC "Chistopol Shipbuilding - Ship Repair Yard." The plant is located on the left bank of the River Kama in the area of the Kuibyshev reservoir in Chistopol 1517 km. Area of the plant is a narrow terrace, directly adjacent to the slope of the steep bank of the river Kama.

In November of 2011 with the change of General Director to the leadership of the plant came highly qualified team of specialists from the shipbuilding company «Flagship» Kazan with extensive experience in shipbuilding and ship repair, able to solve production problems at the present level.